TMA Visit

 This next piece is a beautiful Egyptian piece that tells the story of a woman who passes away and then describes her afterlife. There is such exquisite detail in this piece with the bottom half by the legs. I think this was done with a fine paint brush and an extremely focussed hand. It probably took the artist an incredible amount of time to complete.

This sculpture shows the colors on the color wheel that resemble tetradic colors. There seems to be a rough texture in the face on the head of the figure. This piece grabbed my attention because of it's size. It was life-sized which I found incredible.

 The Pieces in this image were all handmade from Haiti. They came from humble beginnings of bags that were discarded. They were also hand stitched as well, which is something you don't see all the time nowadays.

The time and patience that was put into these cloth makings show how much effort and focus this artist had while making them. My favorite out of these four is the top left because of how the colors fade into each other. It makes the horse and knight pop with the shiny green background on top of the variety of colors.

This is a picture that a young African American boy created. He created this raw energy through his amazing art. This Piece stood out to me because of the dark background he used that created contrast with the baby blue color that outlines the face on this piece of art. It appears to me that the artist drew a mask of what could potentially be an African or a tribal character.

This art work reminds me of our project number 2. The black rectangle is like our piece of white bristol board, and the blue square that has the face on it is like our 6x6 image. It seems as if this was created on some sort of wood which is unique and different.


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