How Popular Culture Portrays Public Relations

Popular culture portrays public relations in a negative way. They show public relations workers as if their job is "easy", or sort of a joke. As shown in the video from class, one PR worker was shown with her baby at work, not doing her tasks or taking her job seriously. I feel that this is a major misinterpretation of PR employees, but is sadly how the culture see's public relations, and it is not okay. PR workers have a very high expectation and have several tasks they need to meet on a daily basis, and for the public to think of PR workers as having a laid back career is ignorant. Some of the roles PR workers must acquire are; community outreach, reputation management, honesty reporting information, crisis management and being able to bring up controversial topics with the group. Along with; event planning, media relations and internal communication. In order to improve the public's understanding of PR, I think there needs to be more media coverage on what actually goes on in a usual PR workers day. In order to do this it needs to be covered on social media. Starting with today's generation, it is key in changing the way the public depicts public relations positions. Another way to move away from the negative views the nation has on PR workers is to stop making movies that show this material. People of all ages watch movies and look up to specific actor's and actresses in certain films, and if they see one of them playing the role of a PR worker drawn out in a poor way, they will believe that is how PR workers operate.


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